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How can one man make such good games and be so based


Def going to use this


mwah <3


this is all i ever needed


super good and cool


photosourced textures are great and more games need to use them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (<-- this is me screaming) this pack is swag!!!!!!


feathered_beast.png has invaded my computer D:


gonna help me out a ton i just know it!!!


Thanks, i feel like i've ascended


Thanks mang. Hope theres some stuff i can use in here 🙏


These textures rescued me from a burning building and saved 3000 kitties from a vat of burning acid


brings a tear to my eye 🥲


i will get a tattoo of one of the textures

John Bobito Game Industry is going to make sure to use these texture for their upcoming projects! We Love TEXTURES!!


i love you john bobito game industry


These textures saved my life.